Author Guidelines

These guidelines are provided in order to facilitate the submission of high-quality extended research abstracts in a professional and impressive manner. All extended abstracts should be based on original work and plagiarism constitutes grounds for disqualification.

General Guidelines
  • The extended abstract should be a self-contained original document that describe your research.
  • The authors should adhere to these guidelines when preparing the extended abstract to be submitted to the IUFRC 2024.
  • The deadline for paper submission is available in the IUFRC 2024 website.
  • Early submission is encouraged as it helps the editorial board to manage the review process in a timely manner.
  • Submission guidelines should be strictly followed by the authors.
  • Author(s) should make sure that the extended abstracts submitted to the IUFRC 2024 have not been published previously or not under consideration for publication by any other journal or conference. Accordingly, author(s) are required to submit the “Author Declaration Form” with the camera-ready copy submission.
Structure of the Submission
  1. The first page of the paper (Details of Author/s)
  • Title: Include a concisely worded title.
  • Author name(s)with first name and last name (e.g., David Fernando), affiliation(s) and emails should be appeared after the title as follows:

      Lead Author (Times New Roman 12)

      Institute and Country (Italic, Times New Roman 12 with upper- and lowercase letters)

      [email protected] (Italic Times New Roman 12)

     Co-Author One (Times New Roman 12)

     Institute and Country (Italic Times New Roman 12 with upper- and lowercase letters)

     [email protected] (Italic Times New Roman 12)

     Co-Author Two (Times New Roman 12)

     Institute and Country (Italic Times New Roman 12 with upper- and lowercase letters)

     Co-author [email protected] (Italic Times New Roman 12)

     *Corresponding author should be marked with asterisk

     Telephone number: The best contact number with country code (e.g., +94). Mobile is preferred.

  • Acknowledgements, if any, including information on any funding and grants for the research.
  • The author(s) should not be identified anywhere else in the article in order to facilitate the blind review purposes.
  1. The second page of the paper (Abstract)
  • Title of the paper
  • An abstract of at least 200 – 300 words and 3-5 keywords
  1. The third page onwards (Extended Abstract)

      Only the major headings as given below should be presented (Introduction, objectives etc.). Headings should be          left aligned and displayed in capital letters with bold font on a dedicated line.

       Introduction: The introduction usually contains a background and/or a motivation for the research including                  comparison to related research.

       Aims/Objectives: The aims/objectives of the research paper summarize what is to be achieved by the research            study.

       Theory: (Optional). A brief description of the theoretical foundations, research framework, etc. should be                       presented.

       Methods: This section should describe what was done to answer the research questions/achieve research                   objectives, describe how it was done, justify the research design, and explain how the analytical                                      tools/techniques were used.

       Results: Presentation of the results obtained. If possible, use descriptive figures or tables to avoid lengthy                     explanations. Do not  discuss or interpret the results at this stage.

       Discussion: Discuss the results in light of the available literature in your chosen area of study. Show the results             in perspective by comparing to other studies or generally accepted knowledge in the field. Critically evaluate               your own method and results with respect to the simplifications made.

        Implications and Limitations: Discuss the implications of your findings to the theory and practice and outline               the limitations and directions for the further empirical studies.


The papers should conform to the following formatting guidelines.

Length:                       The extended abstract should be between 2,000-2,500 words excluding the list of references                                            (including title page,  abstract, manuscript, tables, graphs, figures, exhibits and appendices)

Page margins:           1” each side.

Page size                    A4 paper

Font:                           Times New Roman, 12 point.

Line spacing:             Single-spaced. There should be only one space between words and only one space after any                                           punctuation.

Text alignment:         Justified

Title:                            Bold, center aligned, capitalize the first letter of each word in the title except prepositions and                                         conjunctions.

Author names:           Center aligned.

Author affiliations:     Italics, center aligned


Paper title:                  The title of the paper should be in Times New Roman, size 14 with upper and lowercase letters                                       in bold font and centered.

First level:                    Bold, left aligned and numbered using Arabic numerals such as 1, 2 etc.

Second level:               Bold, left aligned and numbered using Arabic numerals using the 1.1, 1.2, etc.

Third level:                   Italics, left aligned and numbered using Arabic numerals in the format 1.1.1, 1.1.2 etc. We do                                            not encourage headings beyond the third level.

Titles of tables/ figures/ appendices: Left aligned, capitalize the first letter of each major word. Numbered                                                               consecutively using Arabic  numerals. All figures/tables should be integrated in the text.                                                   The figure caption style should have the same font and size as the main text.

Language:                     All submissions must be in English and the American dictionary consistently for  spellings.

Footnotes:                     Notes should be kept to a minimum and placed in the text as footnotes and not as endnotes.

Numbers in the text:     All numbers under 10 should be spelt out in letters. All numbers of 10 or more should be                                                   rendered in digits. If a number is used at the beginning of a sentence, it should be spelt-out                                             in letters.Indicate the source for external figures and tables.

Abbreviations:               Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses the first time they appear and used                                                           consistently thereafter.

Equations:                      Equations should be editable and not appear in a picture format. Number them                                                                   consecutively using Arabic numerals in parentheses. You are advised to use Equation                                                       function in Microsoft Word for this purpose.

Reference style:             Harvard style should be used for references and citations. Sort reference list alphabetically.                                             Do not number. Use hanging indent. View the Harvard style guidelines to ensure your                                                          manuscript conforms to this reference style.

File Format

  • Paper must be submitted as a single Microsoft Word file.
  • Only full papers are accepted for the conference. Submitted papers should not have been published or accepted for publication in conference proceedings or journals.
  • The corresponding author must ensure that the paper is complete, grammatically correct, free from spelling or typographical errors and conform to all the above guidelines.

Paper Submission

Please e-mail your paper to [email protected]


  • Submission of extended abstracts      15th October 2024
  • Notification of acceptance                    31st October 2024
  • Submission of camera-ready copy       20th November 2024
  • Registration                                              1st December 2024
  • Conference                                               18th December 2024

Registration Fees
Local students:   500 LKR
International Students:   20 USD

Payment Mode
Registration fees can be paid online or via direct deposit in favor of the Sri Lanka Finance Association, Account Number 097-1001-2001-7849 at People’s Bank, Gangodawila Branch, SWIFT Code: PSBKLKLX

Registration Form
Please complete the following Registration Form and submit the conference Registration Form to [email protected]

Download Registration Form
Paper Submission

Please email your paper to [email protected]


  • Submission of extended abstracts      15th October 2024
  • Notification of acceptance                    31st October 2024
  • Submission of camera-ready copy       20th November 2024
  • Registration                                              1st December 2024
  • Conference                                               18th December 2024

Copyright © The Sri Lanka Finance Association 2021. All rights reserved. Designed by Xenosys


Prof. Manjula K. Wanniarachchige
Executive Secretary
Sri Lanka Finance Association
Department of Finance
Faculty of Management and Finance
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka