Call for Papers
The Journal of Emerging Financial Markets and Policy (JEFMP)

The Journal of Emerging Financial Markets and Policy is the journal of the Sri Lanka Finance Association. It is a double-blind, peer-reviewed international journal covering theoretical, empirical and policy research related to all finance topics in emerging and frontier economies.

This journal provides a specialized and leading outlet for academics and policy makers for the dissemination of high-quality research examining issues in the areas of corporate finance, investments, financial markets, institutions and banking, international finance, behavioral finance, corporate governance, risk management and insurance, public finance, financial and monetary economics, central banking, and economic and financial policy in emerging and frontier markets to a wider community worldwide. It also considers finance-related articles from accounting and economics.

Submission Guidelines

Papers are invited from all researchers including academics and policy makers from Sri Lanka and worldwide, particularly from emerging and frontier economies for the publication in the JEFMP. The journal is published in both print and electronic form.

All papers will be subjected to a double-blind peer review. See detailed paper preparation and submission guidelines.

Please email your paper to [email protected]


Please send any inquiries about JEFMP to:

Prof. Lalith Samarakoon
Department of Finance
Opus College of Business
University of St. Thomas
St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
[email protected]

Managing Editor
Prof. Manjula K. Wanniarachchige
Department of Finance
Faculty of Management and Finance
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
[email protected]

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Prof. Manjula K. Wanniarachchige
Executive Secretary
Sri Lanka Finance Association
Department of Finance
Faculty of Management and Finance
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka