IUFRC 2024
Call for Papers

4th Annual International Undergraduate Finance Research Conference 2024
Sri Lanka Finance Association

Conference Date: December 18, 2024
Virtual Conference

The 4th Annual International Undergraduate Finance Research Conference is organized by the Sri Lanka Finance Association and hosted by the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.

Conference Theme: “Financial strategies at the forefront: Enhancing sustainability through AI”

Conference Tracks:

  • Financial Markets and Investments
  • Corporate Finance, Public Finance and Economics
  • Contemporary Trends and Issues in Finance
  • Banking, Insurance and Risk Management
  • Corporate Governance
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Financial Technology
  • Entrepreneurial Finance
Publication Opportunities

Papers presented at the conference will be published in electronic conference proceedings. Outstanding papers will be considered for publication in the Journal of Emerging Financial Markets and Policy (JEFMP) which is a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to emerging and frontier financial markets and economies.

Submission Guidelines

You are invited to submit completed extended abstracts to be considered for presentation at the conference. All papers will be anonymously reviewed by two subject experts.

Please e-mail your paper to [email protected]


  • Submission of extended abstracts      15th October 2024
  • Notification of acceptance                    31st October 2024
  • Submission of camera-ready copy       20th November 2024
  • Registration                                              1st December 2024
  • Conference                                               18th December 2024

Please send any inquiries about the conference to:

Conference Chair
Professor AL. Abdul Rauf
Department of Accountancy and Finance
Faculty of Management and Commerce
South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]
T.P: +94 77 122 4162

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Prof. Manjula K. Wanniarachchige
Executive Secretary
Sri Lanka Finance Association
Department of Finance
Faculty of Management and Finance
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka